Outpatient Surgery
- Excision biopsy of skin lumps, skin nodules, skin tags
- Incision and drainage of skin abscess
- Rubber band ligation of piles/haemorrhoids
- Incision and drainage of thrombosed piles/haemorrhoids
- Excision biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes
- Excision of ingrown toenail
- Management and revision of keloids
- Insertion of hickman’s line for cheomotherapy use
Laparoscopic Surgery
- Diagnostic and staging laparoscopy for abdominal cancers and other problems
- Laparoscopic gallbladder removal
- Laparoscopic splenectomy
- Laparoscopic colectomies
- Obesity management using lap-band technique
- Management of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Management of hernias (incisional and inguinal)
General Surgery
- Hemorrhoids - standard hemorrhoidectomy/ stapled hemorrhoidectomy
- Management of perianal abscess and fistula
- Circumcision
- Excision biopsy of Breast lump
- Excision biopsy of breast lump using mamotome technique
- Management of Varicose veins
- Repair of hernias (incisional and inguinal)
- Insertion of port-a-cath for chemotherapy use
Cancer Surgery
- Endocrine (thyroid, adrenal)
- Upper GI (oesophagus, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, liver)
- Lower GI (colon, small intestine)
- Breast (mastectomy)
- Diagnostic - Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy
- Therapeutic – insertion of feeding tube (PEG), control of bleeding ulcers, insertion of stents for oesophageal cancers